Letter in Support of Doralice


There are some great candidates running for City Council this year, but the one I am most excited about seeing elected is Doralice Handal.
Here's why.
Doralice connects. Doralice's relationships in this town are deeply authentic. Those who know her, and there are many of us, respect her no-BS style of communication. She does not mince words, and famously, asks the right questions.
Her motivations are not political. She's no glad-handing campaigner and, refreshingly, she has not shown interest in typical endorsements. Her most important endorsers are those neighbors who know her and speak about her willingness to listen and to get to the point.
Doralice's aspirations do not extend from our town's borders and similarly, she is locked arm in arm with our residents and their unique concerns. She connects with small businesses, struggling to survive in our high-rent downtown, She connects with workers looking for reasonable housing close to family and work. With minorities looking to increase their sense of belonging. And most importantly, she connects with the homeless. As a member of the board of directors for Reach for Home, you can bet she knows that our electeds are one of the best avenues of hope for the growing number of residents living without shelter. Worried about climate change and emergency preparedness? Doralice knows this worry and has made these issues a central focus.
Doralice is at home in every neighborhood in our town. Meet her and you too can connect with her honesty, get to know her directness, her humor, and her willingness to cut through the crap when need be. With Doralice on the City Council, your connection to our town's future and best values will be restored.


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