
Showing posts from August, 2019

Is Climate Change Real?

Is it true that climate change is created by human activity?  Yes, there is a small minority of scientists that disagree, but the consensus is overwhelming -and we are not talking about scientists with a corporate (or other) agenda. We are talking about deduction worshipping academics. So, if someone among us is motivated to argue against them (and they do not have the requisite scientific pedigree themselves) then we have to question their underlying motivation -because it is clearly outside the rigorous fact crunching endeavors of academic science.  What might these motivations be? 1)   Distrust of the media that reports science . Journalists have their own commitment to truth, and though many are deeply compromised by the corporate "agenda" that supports much mainstream media, many are not -and   they   are reporting that human activity is affecting climate change. Fact is that they are all (mainstream and non-mainstream journalists) are pretty much reporting the