
Showing posts from July, 2018

Letter to two friends, two leaders

...which brings us to a philosophical fulcrum that I have often pondered. Framing issues like rent control and higher minimum wages as 'bold' and 'simple wisdom' can only take root within the larger framework of class struggle. Class struggle, in this case, means furthering the interests of the lower classes despite those advances having a negative effect on the interests of the upper classes. I increasingly see the world this way. That there are no solutions that benefit both "sides" equally. In Healdsburg (unlike the traditional liberal havens) liberals are often upper-class, and when it comes right down to it, most are not willing to make concessions to their economic freedom and wealth (increased property taxes to create housing) in order to further fairness and economic equality. They will further arguments, which have a strong footing in the current class struggle impasse, that demonstrate how rent control, hotel bans, minimum wage rules etc. create a do