Letter of Intent to serve another term on the PRC

Dear Healdsburg City Council and Director Themig,

I write to inform you that I am very much interested in serving another term on the Healdsburg Parks and Recreation Commission. Please be sure to consider my reinstatement during your upcoming appointment process.

I have taken great personal satisfaction in serving the community in this way and have accepted the responsibilities of the position eagerly. Thanks to fantastic support from my fellow commissioners, and by Director Themig and his staff, I was able to apply my skills and concerns to commission work from the very beginning by helping set the Capital Improvement priorities we completed in early 2016. This gave me a great overview of the department and the city’s parks and community services programs and a platform for further engagement with the commission’s work.

At the onset of my second year, I was elected chair of the commission. It was during this time that the department, and the open space ad-hoc committee that is belonged to, tackled the process of crafting the management plan for the Fitch Mountain preserve. As you will recall, there was a tremendous amount of community involvement and some contentious moments during this process. It was a great experience of working with community input, compromise and policy process in general -and I feel that my leadership was well regarded.

Other highlights include crafting the Cerri building design, deepening community involvement in our Tuesday Music in the Plaza events, and building a foundation (with the help of the various user groups) for comprehensive improvements to all our facilities, especially with regards to sports and playfields.

Certainly, this is an exciting time for the commission with our charge to develop plans for the Montage park and the river access and other improvements at Badger Park. These have been just beyond the horizon for most of my term, and I am excited to jump into them during the coming year in earnest. I feel that my engagement with the community and my experiences leading up to this point make me uniquely qualified to help the commission forward these projects in way that the community will welcome with the enthusiasm they deserve. I sincerely hope you will give me this opportunity to continue serving.

With gratitude,

Chris Herrod


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