Boycott FedEx?

The company I work for, LMI, ships orders around the world and uses FedEx exclusively (in addition to mail service). Our contract with them enables us to be competitive with companies closer to the East coast than us, with international shipments and with expedited shipments. If we wanted to switch from FedEx to UPS or another carrier (is there one besides the mail?) it would be a huge undertaking in terms of pricing, software, shipping procedures and other expensive undertakings -and would compromise our competitiveness.

Our company, like most, hires people with a variety of political persuasions. Out of respect for them, our company does not forward a united political opinion. Nonetheless, many of us here were concerned to hear on social media that “FedEx was giving discounts to NRA members”. This concerned (some of) us because the NRA has taken the most extreme position in terms of gun control and because their influence in government is extensive.  Some customers have asked us to join a boycott of FedEx. 

FedEx, like the majority of large corporations, has a history of supporting conservative causes. But we looked into their support of the NRA and learned that the discount they give them is also afforded to hundreds of other qualifying groups.

They said, "FedEx is a common carrier under Federal law and therefore does not and will not deny service or discriminate against any legal entity regardless of their policy positions or political views...The NRA is one of hundreds of organizations in our alliances/association Marketing program whose members receive discounted rates for FedEx shipping"

Basically, the NRA is getting a quantity discount, much like LMI does. Additionally, FedEx has made a statement saying they have “policy differences” with the NRA and outlined a more moderate set of positions (background checks, ban on assault weapons). Are they off the hook?

Every time you buy gas, you are supporting corporations that oppose climate change legislation. Every time you purchase certain drugs, you support a corporation that opposes affordable health care options. The list goes on.  UPS, just like FedEx, has contributed over 50 million dollars to campaigns and PAC’s with at least 60% of that money going to Republicans, about the same as FedEx.
My hope is that if our customers want to avoid giving money to FedEx, that they continue to order from LMI, understanding that a change from FedEx to UPS would not do much good and would be harmful to our company. Instead, they can request mail shipment of their orders. We will happily oblige, and they will find that the mail’s service trails that of FedEx’s only slightly.

My own opinion is that corporations need to play a far smaller role in US politics in general, and for this to happen, we need a comprehensive set of election reforms. This will put more power into the single vote that each citizen submits equally and disarm the influence of wealthy special interests on both ends of the spectrum. This is a position that I think everyone, be they left or right, could agree on.  


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